Moderator 최아롬(연세대학교 세브란스병원) 구연3 Critical Care & Resuscitation 3
3-1 Advancing acute myocardial infarction risk stratification in the emergency department using AI-enhanced electrocardiogram
3-2 Validation of ECG buddy for detecting left ventricular dysfunction in a U.S. emergency department population using MIMIC-IV dataset.
3-3 Screening for RV dysfunction using smartphone ECG analysis app: Validation study with acute pulmonary embolism patients
3-4 Early prediction and real-time assessment of shock using supervised contrastive learning among critically ill patients
송주현(고려대학교 안암병원)
3-5 Effect of norepinephrine initiation timing on mortality in septic shock: A multicenter cohort study
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Moderator 명진우(연세대학교 세브란스병원) 구연4 Others
4-1 규모 6.5 이상 지진 후 10일 이내 정형외과적 손상과 관련된 병원 이용에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰
김서진(서울대학교 보건대학원)
4-2 Impact of emergency department closure on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival and emergency medical service system in Ulsan, South Korea
4-3 모험의 해부The Anatomy of Adventures--응급의학과 의사의 남극 여행기
4-4 국내 응급의학 연구 동향(1990-2023년): 논문 텍스트 마이닝 분석
4-5 본인부담금제도 시행 이후 응급과 비응급 환자의 의료이용 양상: 한국 의료패널자료 분석연구
강수지(서울아산병원), 권윤정(서울대학교 보건대학원)
4-6 Community-based implementation of a Novel ICT system to improve emergency patient transport in northern Chung-Cheong province
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Moderator 권인호(동아대학교병원) 구연5 Trauma
5-1 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy ameliorates intestinal edema after damage control liver surgery: A pilot study
5-2 Predictive model for severe injuries in frontal motor vehicle crashes using machine learning based on Korean in-depth accident study data
5-3 Risk factor for serious injury of far-side occupants in motor vehicle side crashes using the KIDAS (Korean in depth accident study) data
5-4 Pre-hospital treatment and on-site stay time's impact on the survival rate of severe trauma patients
5-5 Protective effect of helmet use on mortality in bicycle crashes: A matched case-control study